Essay Writers
When it comes to hiring the best sample essay writers, Ultius makes sure that our staff is the best that you find on the internet. Each and every one of our American writers knows how to take care of you when you buy essay references online.
What Clients Say

This is a significant part of our superiority. While other companies can offer slightly lower prices, we are entirely unmatched for customer service, amenities, and the quality of our writing. And this is all possible due to the amazing talent we hire to work with us. Read on and feel free to remain skeptical, but do not be mistaken, we are the very best there is in this industry.
Ultius Writers: A Cut above the Rest
Anyone can hop on a classified ad site and claim to write college sample documents for money. Obviously those who do are sketchy both in name recognition and product; however, if you have been trying to purchase a paper online to base your own work on for a while, you may have even tried one. If you were satisfied, you would not likely be here, nor would our many other satisfied customers who discovered our company and let us help them with nearly all their writing needs.
The reason we retain our clients so well stems from our strict education requirements and rigorous training methods for our staff. Our sample essay writers are quite simply the best educated and most professional of any of our large scale competitors.
Every member of the Ultius writing staff is college educated to at least the Bachelor’s level. Those who have Master’s and PhD’s focus on more rigorous work, while writers who focus more on the college level follow suit, respectively.
A degree is not enough, however. Before a writer is ever allowed to begin working on your order he or she is required to submit writing sample examples and complete test material for our hiring staff to review and ensure they can write well and follow specific instructions. While our staff comes from a diverse background, all are highly accomplished academic and professional writers. The in house training we put our sample essay writers through further ensures that they will write to the quality standards and specialized style that makes Ultius papers worth the money.
What Sets Our Writers Apart?
Not all writers are created equal. Certainly not in terms of quality, but in terms of content as well. Academic style writing is not done the same in every case and essay writing has particular expectations that might not be best fulfilled by a creative writer or technical writer. The Ultius sample essay writers have been trained to recognize the requirements of an essay and follow through in the manner expected of whatever level you have purchased, be it Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctoral.
In general, sample essay writers are expected to identify a single strong thesis and support it. A thesis must be carefully chosen and worded so that it can be argued thoroughly given whatever length your order is for. A six page argument is entirely inappropriate for a two page paper and vice versa; you don’t want four pages of nonsense filling out a two page argument. The Ultius staff has no need of fluff or filler, they are proficient in the style of academic argumentation and taught by our management team to write only what is relevant.
Our writers know that a thesis takes a side and so has another side, an opposing side; but they also know that the opposing side is not their concern. It only matters in that a thesis fits its definition and from then on our sample essay writers focus on support for their side of the argument. This must all be laid out in an introduction that both says what is to come and does so without running over-long. Even the placement of the thesis in the introduction is hammered into our writers so you will never have to hunt for it.
From then on, the question becomes whether or not the writer understands the evidence being used and the logic with which that evidence is organized. Ultius sample essay writers are expert in both. Our staff is well practiced in research; they understand what sources are going to be acceptable or unacceptable for your particular project and they will provide exactly as many as you request whether you researched the topic thoroughly enough. We also teach our writers how to choose material for citation, ensuring it is relevant to the argument.
Ultius Writers Cite Sources The Right Way
Proper and fluent citation of these sources will be yet another indicator of the Ultius sample essay writers’ expertise. A good source is integrated into the writing so smoothly it reads as part of the essay, rather than standing out as an alien bit of information that only vaguely fits the argument. Fitting the evidence into the writing both logically and stylistically is key to a good essay and the skill to do so is a requirement for our staff. That logic does not have to be complicated or confusing; in fact, it shouldn’t be. No matter what level your project is ordered for, the arguments in your document will make sense and fit together in a readable way so your model paper makes sense the first time through.
We do realize that not all essays should be equal, however. An essay for a Doctoral class should of course be more sophisticated than one for an Undergraduate class. For those situations, Ultius’ sample essay writers are divided based on education level, on the back end of the system so you never have to worry about it beyond placing your order correctly. Your project will be assigned to someone with the skills to write a paper at your level, each and every time.
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American writers are standing by, ordering only takes a minute.
Essay Topic and Description | View |
PovertyPoverty is one of the most well known issues around the world. Each year millions of children starve not because there is not enough food, but the world isn't organized enough. This sample expository essay explains what's at stake and what some of the current solutions suggest. |
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America in the 19th CenturyDuring the 19th century, sweeping reforms came to the United States. America made policies and decisions that had an impact domestically and internationally. This sample expository essay reviews the Monroe Doctrine, reform era and time of President Andrew Jackson. |
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CensorshipCensorship implies the ability of a government to stifle or restrict the expression of its citizens. While democracy has been the shining light in terms of fighting censorship, it still widely exists in the developing world. This sample expository essay explores the complex issue of censorship with regard to governmental power, legal issues and its use during the 21st century. |
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Ultius Essay Writers Are a Cut above the Rest
There is no shortage of reasons why the Ultius staff is the best in the business. Their education and training have already been mentioned, but the reasons are even more fundamental than that. Every member of the Ultius writing staff is a native English speaker. We would never suggest that someone who has learned English as a second language could not be a good writer, but there is a comfort and fluency that comes from growing up with a language that gives our writers an undeniable edge over the many other companies who outsource all their writing to Asia and Europe.
The all-American sample essay writers at Ultius were raised and educated in the United States, ensuring you receive an entirely domestic product. Perhaps this is not a selling point to you, in which case it does you no harm. It merely ensures that the style of your example paper will be smooth and coherent, free of the little errors that are often made by someone who grew up speaking with a different vocabulary and grammatical structure. If it is something that you care about, however, it is an entirely unmatched quality in this industry.
Your project is not being blindly handed over, either. Even though we trust our writers, after the rigorous application and training process they had to endure, we realize that human error can never be erased. For that reason, we have a quality control level that each and every order goes through before it arrives in your hands. Even as our model essay writers are interacting with you and working on your order, the writing management staff is overseeing communications and helping solve confusions and make good choices for your product to ensure your project is completed to the best of our ability.
Everything from format to grammar to content to sources is reviewed first by your writer and then by the quality control team for every single order. We are fluent in the many styles of academic writing and our essay writers work extensively in these styles so they can smoothly and accurately integrate the small formatting and grammatical distinctions that each style uses to set itself apart. The thesis of your paper, the logic supporting it, and the general quality of the writing is examined to maximize the attentiveness to your order so there are as few reasons to use the complimentary revision service as possible, saving you valuable time.
Finally, the Ultius writing staff is expected and encouraged to engage you, the customer, in a friendly and professional manner so you never have to wonder if your order is being handled or what stage it is at or what the content will be, if you are having us do the research as well as the writing. The sample essay writers available to you are friendly, knowledgeable, helpful, and patient; they are excited for the opportunity to write your project and are always happy to ensure that you get your money’s worth.
Pick Ultius Today
There is certainly no shortage of options when it comes to online writing services. But when you consider the expertise, attention to detail, and customer service that Ultius offers, there is really only once choice. Check out our convenient online order form today to get your price quote, entirely free of obligation, and know that our professional staff of essay writers is standing by to claim your order no matter the size or target date and deliver you a document of the highest quality you’ll find anywhere on the internet.