By Ultius on Wednesday, 05 July 2017
Category: Writing Guides & Tips

Our Essay Writing Service Utilizes Some of These Top 20 Tech Tools

Good, quality writing is often challenging when you are busy with the demands of school, work, business, and everyday life. Presenting a paper or essay that has glaring grammatical errors or poorly structured sentencing can make your paper look unprofessional and amateurish. That is why a lot of people turn to essay writing services.

The modern writer has an abundance of technical tools to help overcome the obstacles and challenges of crafting the perfect paper. Hiring an essay writing service will help ensure that your paper looks professionally written and is free from grammatical errors. The tools and apps presented here can help you on your path to becoming a great and proficient modern writer.

Here are suggestions on some of the top 20 tech tools available to modern writers.

Free writing appsSource: GPS
Modern writers have many tools at their disposal. The Google Play store has a plethora of free writing apps (pictured below) that writers and essay writing services may use to their benefit.

Supportive Technology for Writers (Tools and Apps)

1: Grammarly

This aspect of Grammarly emphasizes that the software is not only about improving a document, but improving the overall writer and essay writing experience. To support this dynamic individual centered learning experience Grammarly has the function of the Personal Writing Handbook, with is a journal tracking scores and analyzing each writer’s strengths and weaknesses as they progress. Learn more by visiting their website

2: Evernote

3: Google Docs

Google DocsSource: GD
Google Docs, pictured below, is quickly becoming the "go-to" platform for a lot of writers. A free product that gives writers the ability to save documents in a cloud is ideal.

4: Spell Check Support

There are many different support applications and tools which help writers and essay writing services with spelling and checking their grammar. The table below highlights what some of the most used applications can do.

Spelling and grammar tools for writers
Writers can produce polished and professional content with the spelling and grammar tools below.
As mentioned above, it can catch grammar mistakes, wording mistakes, spelling mistakes, and expand your vocabulary. Highly rated for consistent support at 95%. Priced at $139.95 per year. Widely used most by academics and corporations.
This program is very highly rated for dependability for checking spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Complete with customer support and boasting an easy to use interface. However, at the cost of $79.95 it is may not be the best financial option as these other applications with minimally lower ratings.
After the Deadline2
Checks documents for common grammar errors and punctuation errors. A separate website, and not as quickly accessible as other methods. Free for personal use.
Online Correction3
Text box receives sample of writing and checks for punctuation, spelling, and grammar errors. Spelling is marked with the color red while grammar and diction is marked with green. External site limitation.
Paper Rater4
Online source for checking for plagiarism errors, various elements of proofreading, and spelling consistency. Rated as the best tool for college students, bloggers, and freelancers to check their work.
This tool helps double-check formatting (numbering, indentation, etc.) consistency as well as spelling and grammar errors. A simple and effective interface, this tool ranks high for its ease of use.
Language Tool6
An open source software tool which proofreads documents in over 20 languages for spelling and grammar errors. Helpful for writers who include multiple languages in a document, or who are learning new languages.
Claims to boost productivity through checking contextual spelling, misused word correction, and basic grammar errors. However, investigation into these claims reveal inconsistency in the programming which leaves many errors uncorrected. This program does not check for plagiarism, and may not justify it’s $59.00 price tag.
This simple proofreading application summarizes grammatical and spelling mistakes into various categories and offers feedback for many types of corrections. In this way, the application more of a tutoring program, and an affordable one at $14.99.
CorrectEnglish Complete9
Very fast computing speed for checking documents for grammar and spelling mistakes. However, the $120 cost of the program makes it less attractive to some.
Microsoft Word10
This program’s spell checking and grammar checking has decidedly dipped in quality over the years, and unfortunately, it is no longer a safe bet for writers to trust.
This program is helpful for its unique perspective analyzing overused words, writing style, grammar, spelling errors, and sentence length. This is a very helpful tool used in addition to others.

5: Dragon NaturallySpeaking

Dragon NaturallySpeakingSource: Nuance
The Dragon NaturallySpeaking speech recognition software enables writers to work faster and more productively.

6: Cloud Account Software

7: Mendeley


9: Hemingway App

10: Journal Directory Search Engines





iseekSource: iseek
Writers can take advantage of iSeek, an academic research search engine with a clean, minimalistic interface.


Microsoft Academic Search

11: Dropbox

12: Chrome Extensions for Writers

Google URL Shortener

Google Dictionary

Features: This Chrome extension from Google helps writers with quick, accurate definitions of words. When this extension is installed simply highlight the word in question and the application will provide a pop-up meaning similar to the dictionary function on a Kindle.

Advantages: For those writers working within the Google platform this tool allows seamless searches of definitions.

Benefits: The benefit of this application is the ability to stay focused and on task on the same page while working. Aside from their amazing search engine, programs like this are what makes Google one of the most valuable companies in the world.

Feedly Subscription Button


13: Microsoft Word Templates

Microsoft Word templatesSource: MO
Microsoft Word has stood the test of time. In addition to having templates for everything from resumes to calendars, Microsoft Word enables writers to create and save templates of their own.

14: ProofHub

15: FocusWriter

16: OneLook Reverse Dictionary

17: Paragraphs

18: Daily Page

19: Write.pls

20: Kindle

The Kindle eReaderSource: Pixabay
Busy writers can find inspiration on the go with Amazon's Kindle ereaders.

Honorable Mentions

Notepad. This simple application is for editing and creating notes on go. Coming spring loaded with many different themes Notepad can be customized to fit the personality of the writer. For writers on the move this simple application provides a way to sync one’s notes with one’s other devices and have them at the ready for implementation into larger projects. It usually comes standard on all versions of Microsoft Windows.

Writer.Tools. WriterTools offers guides, citation style resources, and other information for novice writers who are looking to take their skills to the next level. The guides seem to offer basic resources and instructions on how to produce work. However, the main value from this website is the vast array of free sample essays and research papers that you can find on virtually any topic. All you need to provide is your email address to download the documents, so it's extremely affordable (and worth it). Our essay writing service provides a plethora of free sample essay and research papers as well.

Freenote. This application offers a dynamic mix of manual handwriting and keyword typing for note taking. Freenote has many flexibilities which includes altering scale of words for emphasis, as well as the color or background. The flexibility of Freenote also allows for creating illustrations on the fly to impress concepts which must jump off the page.

Write! This application for tablets functions like a minimalist text editor in that it features word count, full screen mode, automatic saving, as well as on-screen keyboard and the capacity for Bluetooth physical keyboard link up. Write! has many features which allow writers to customize their interface experience. Write! allows for edits to be read in a last-edited-first perspective as well as sharing notes with other notepad apps, to blogs, and to emails. Unlike many of the other notepad applications, Write! is not free.

Mindjet. For those writers who think more abstractly, Mindjet is a notepad application for mobile devices which allows for notes to be taken in mind-mapping. This integrative visual system of clues leading to possibilities opening paths to new connections allows for writers to graph concepts in a nonlinear fashion which could lead to unconventional leaps of understanding.

Mindjet has a sophisticated color palette which allows for the mapping of ideas to have corresponding shades which help writers prioritize and organize their thoughts. This is especially helpful for initial thoughts before beginning a large project.

Braina. This voice to text software program features multi-language capacity, and is affordable at $29.00 a year as well as having a free version and free trial. This software has the advantage of being able to dictate in third party software, and the ability to fill out forms online.

While covering all diction needs, Braina is also equipped with voice command features which allow writers to take notes, set reminders, search the web, and open files with ease. This software begins with a simple interface appearance for maximum efficiency, but is also able to be customized to each writer’s taste. The benefit users of Braina claim are increased productivity, time saving, and the fun of interacting through voice.

LilySpeech. This voice to text software boasts a capacity of 200 words per minute, as well as the affordable price of $2.49 a month. While this program does not have all the bells and whistles of other programs, it offers specialty vocabularies, variable frequency, and continuous speech which allows optimum use for diction.

Speechlogger. This simple web based application turns speech into text easily, and keeps its range within simple natural speech through the implementation of auto punctuation. Using automatic saving, timestamps, Speechlogger also has the advantage of transcribing audio files. Powered by Google’s ASR APIs, this tool has the benefit of strong web presence, consistency, and affordability.

EasyBib. This citation generating web platform is free for MLA use, but requires a paid account for APA or Chicago style citations. This tool features applications for Android and iOS in order to work on the move. However, reliability is not always 100%, and it is key for writers to know the foundational basics of citation styles in order to call applications to task. One benefit to EasyBib is that it offers tutorials for different MLA citations which help writers gain familiarity with the various styles for website, journals, and books.

EasyBibSource: EB
For academic writers, a citation generator like EasyBib is time-saving and efficient.

BibMe. This citation generation application is efficient, and free unless you want to save your citation history with them. This site features autofill of citations, and has easy access for searching in different style and formats. Once the bibliography has been searched and created it may be downloaded in Turabian, Chicago, APA, or MLA format. This is a helpful educational tool for writers exposing themselves to many new citation styles at once. Try it here!

CitationMachine. The goal of citation software is to ensure that writers do not inadvertently plagiarize others, as Citation Machine emphasizes that hopefully one day your own published material will need to be properly cited. It is free to use, but requires an account to save bibliographies.

Citavi. This citation application also contains the ability to help students integrate task planning and the organization of growing research with citation accuracy. Citavi is also able to consolidate work between Chrome and Word with ease. This provides a strong incentive for students to use this citation tool to streamline their organization and research.

Google Drive. This writer’s tool provides free 15GB of storage in the cloud, and for those who sync their devices with the storage provides a constant form of backup and file saving with easy access. While this platform is integrated into Android devices, it is not as easy to use on other platforms. However, one key benefit to Google Drive is the ability to save high definition photos with the application Google Photos which works with the storage drive.

Mega. Coming in heavy to compete with the established platforms, Mega offers 50GB of free storage to entice new users. Mega has created a mobile application to allow for seamless upload of photos and files which also supports sync with other devices. As an added security benefit Mega claims that all the data shared with them is encrypted on your device before it ever reaches the cloud storage of Mega.

OneDrive. This form of cloud storage is integrated into the Windows platform and requires no addition support applications. OneDrive allows a seamless sync with all the programs running through Windows so that all data is saved as it's created. While 5GB is free the cost goes up to $1.99 a month for 50GB, but so far does not have an unlimited platform.

Visual Thesaurus. While the Visual Thesaurus tool is often used for children learning their vocabulary, for older visual learners this tool is a strong support for mind-mapping practices. As an added feature, the Visual Thesaurus not only illustrates connected antonyms in varying degrees of brightness and connectivity, but also includes links for how the word is used and various grammar structures.

In this way Visual Thesaurus acts as a structured language learning tool whose visual format enhances cognitive connectivity between the hemispheres in the goal of increasing one’s vocabulary.

Amazon. Amazon offers unlimited cloud Storage for $59.99, and has various other pricing tiers for other offers. While Amazon provided one of the first cloud storage options, they have recently revamped their look and access to manage the current competition. However, Amazon does not allow filing sharing like DropBox, and has been likened to more of a hard drive in the cloud. Plus, it has a pretty amazing selection of movies and television shows to enjoy in your downtime.

Plus for Trello. This extension is to enhance productivity for those who enjoy measurable progress. For writers with many projects going on the application helps organization with its “scrum” environment where task cards can be moved from boards of Progress to Completed.

This application has the benefit of working with Trello so that time restrictions for each task can be monitored, and graphs are created to show trends in productivity. Marrying task oriented focus and visual learning Plus for Trello is a support for writers who have a lot on their digital plate.

CoSchedule. This headline analyzer addresses the supreme importance of headlines, as 8 of 10 readers do not go beyond the headline to the content. Subtle variations in the headline structure and wording can help it go viral, and such changes in the headline can enable up to a 500% difference in how many readers make it past the headline.

CoSchedule is free, and it analyzes the rates of emotional value, best length, sentiment, and likelihood to go viral in the context of its SEO value. The benefit of this program is that writers will begin to sense the right mix of fact and snap which makes a headline pop.

Buffer. This application helps content writers manage their social media impact with expertise and timing. This tool features the ability to time posts, track how effective the post has been, and analyze content for the most effective medium. Buffer emphasizes that quality content is not all there is to writing, but knowing the best place to share it is important. Streamlining content sharing for social media, this application is a benefit to those writers who have determined to have a strong presence online.

Online essay writing service providers. One tool many customers like to use is a trusted essay writing service for getting something written on a tight deadline. Sometimes it's easier to get a sample written and then base your own work off of it. This allows you to understand the requirements and see what needs to be done before digging into your own writing. Surely, writers who use such services benefit by getting expert help on their specific topic.

Use an essay writing services that works for you

Many pitfalls for writers such as writer's block, being bogged down by spelling or grammatical errors, a limited vocabulary, citation mistakes, repetitive sentence structures, finding resources, an overly-inflated tone, distraction, and being unorganized can be significantly helped through the utilization of the technological tools presented in this blog.

All that remains is to identify your personal needs as a writer and chose the best mix of tools to help you overcome these limitations. The process of overcoming obstacles is the journey towards mastery in the art of writing, a skill which opens many doors of the mind, heart, and the pocketbook. Hiring an essay writing service can help you with a professional paper and take the burden of writing away.

Most of these tools are easy and free to try out, but don’t fall into the trap of trying too many tools at one time as it is easy to become distracted from the fluidity of the act of writing itself. Tools such as these are aids but cannot be relied upon over the benefit of sheer perseverance and cultivated willpower. These many tools can help funnel creative willpower into more seamless and exciting shapes through the evolving matrix of technology.

Visit us to learn more about the tech tools we use for our essay writing service.

Works Cited

Bruce, Rachel. “Ten search engines for researchers that go beyond Google.”, 2013. Retrieved from:

Cloudwards. “Amazon Cloud Drive Review.”, 2017. Retrieved from:

Daren, Liana. “The 6 BEST Search Engines for Academic Research.”, 2016. Retrieved from:

Drake, Nate. “Top 10 best cloud storage services of 2017.”, 2017. Retrieved from:

Gene. “The Best Android Apps for Writers.”, 2012. Retrieved from:

Grammarly. “Your writing, at its best.”, 2017. Retrieved from:

Harkins, Susan. “10 Things: How to use Word templates effectively.”, 2016. Retrieved from:

McCarter, Aaron. “WhiteSmoke Review.”, 2016. Retrieved from:

McCarter, Aaron. “The Best Online Grammar Check Websites of 2017.”, 2017. Retrieved from:

Oz Content. “10 Content Creation Tech Tools that will make you a better writer.”, 2015. Retrieved from:

Pappas, Christopher. “12 Best Free Online Bibliography And Citation Tools.”, 2013. Retrieved from:

ProofHub. “6 super cool tech tools that make life easy for writers.”, 2016. Retrieved from:

Singla, Ankit. “8 Best Online Grammar and Punctuation Checker Tools For Error-Free Writing.”, 2016. Retrieved from:

Snofner, Amanda. “6 Automatic Editing Tools That Will Make Your Writing Super Clean.”, 2016. Retrieved from:

Ultius. “Top 5 Reasons to Write Your Papers with Google Docs.”, 2016. Retrieved from:

Ultius. “Trending Topic: Must-Have Technology for Graduate and Doctoral Students.”, 2016. Retrieved from:

Warnimont, Joe. “16 Best Chrome Extensions for Writing and Blogging.”, 2014. Retrieved from:

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